Key messages
- Helping others feel good
- It creates a sense of belonging and reduces isolation
- It helps keep things in perspective
- It helps make the world a happier place
- The more you do for others, the more you do for yourself
Find out how random acts of kindness work in times of Covid: How random acts of kindness work
We would like to ask you to share acts of kindness (with permission). Maybe a surprise virtual birthday celebration or helping a vulnerable member of the community with their weekly shop. Send via the SU website.
Relate to others - Make time to connect
Connect with others, spending quality time with friends or family, talking to someone about how we are feeling or finding ways to help other people can all help stop you from feeling lonely and improve your mental health and wellbeing. This can be online, by phone or seeing someone in person.
Social contact is good for your mental health – even if you do not feel like engaging with other people when you are low or anxious. Watch this social connection video – it shows ways you can build more social connection into your life. (Be mindful that some activity suggestions are only appropriate for when we are not under Covid restrictions)
Click here to watch a short video that gives tips to build social connections into your life.
Exercising to take care of you – Live a healthy lifestyle
The World Health Organisation (WHO) clarifies, health as a 'state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing'.
Physical fitness is as important and our mental fitness and wellbeing here’s some resources on how to ensure that you stay well while studying.
Being active, enjoying the outdoors and having a healthy, balanced diet all impact how we feel. Also, binning bad habits like smoking and cutting down on alcohol and caffeine can have a positive effect on our mood.
Healthy living tips
For tips on nutritional tips and guidance for sustained weight loss, covering calorie balance, key diet components and using MyFitnessPal, watch the video from our Sports Centre team
B&FC Sports Centre Video
For advice on nutritional tips, covering portion sizing, staying hydrated, caffeine and more, watch the video from our Progress Coach team
B&FC Progress Coach Video
For advice on quitting smoking, watch our video.
Quit Smoking Support video
Join our Team B&FC fitness teams weekly fitness challenges to keep you active whilst at home.
Team B&FC Weekly Challenge
11 minutes for a total body workout: too good to be true? We put a revolutionary fitness routine ( to the test. And now it's your turn! Join B&FC's fitness leader Ross for a workout scientifically proven to get you fitter, faster...
B&FC's fitness with Ross
Awareness to live life mindfully
Be in the present - if we take time to be aware of ourselves and be in the present moment, noticing our own thoughts and feelings, and the world around us, we can gain a better perspective. Sometimes this is known as being more mindful.
Be mindful and meditate
Mindfulness and meditation help you to be in the present. Watch this mindful breathing and try our mindful breathing video, it can help you feel more calm.
Watch Headspace’s goodie bag of a range of meditation and mindfulness videos.
Podcasts for your wellbeing on a range of topics including a 3 minute breathing space podcast, or try the 10 minute practice exercise.
Happy Place Podcast Fearne Cotton explores happiness builds on the success of the top 10 bestseller HAPPY.
10 Apps for managing mental wealth and wellbeing fitness
- Action on Happiness App delivers friendly "nudges" and inspiring messages each day.
- NHS One You Apps includes Active 10, Drink free days, Smokefree and personal quit plan, Couch to 5K and easy meals.
- Get Your Mind Plan NHS personalised plan customised to your responses on stress, anxiety, mood and sleep.
- SAM App is an application to help you understand and manage anxiety.
- Samaritans Self-help App to track your mood and find practical tips and techniques to look after your emotional health.
- Headspace guided meditation and mindfulness
- Hub of Hope local mental health support services by entering your post code
- Stay Alive - suicide prevention resource, with information and tools to help stay safe in a crisis
- Thrive a NHS game based relaxation app to manage stress and anxiety
Trying out new things – doing something for yourself
From enjoying your favourite hobby, learning something new or simply taking time to relax, it's important to do things that make you happy.
Setting goals and learning new skills can be a great way to meet people, build your self-esteem and feel a sense of achievement.
Why not try the 10 Days of Happiness - a free 10-day online coaching program which guides you through daily actions to help you cope and find a little happiness in these difficult times. It is designed for challenging times, based on the latest research from positive psychology, neuroscience, and behavioural science.
Now over to you …. Go on, try something new this week
Visit the B&FC Students’ Union #ShowKindness Hub
B&FC SU #Showkindness Hub
Try the different activities to:
• Stay connected
• Stay physically healthy
• Stay mentally wealthy
• Show Kindness
Reflect on an act of kindness. Share your stories and pictures of kindness (with permission). Share via the SU website
B&FC #Showkindness Hub
Daily Actions to help you be ‘GREAT’
Monday - Kindness Thought for the day – Random Acts of Kindness

Daily Mindfulness - 5 a day wellbeing challenge
1. Make a Kindness jar start with an empty jar & decorate it however you'd like. Write it down your acts of kindness and place the memory in the jar
2. Write down ten things you feel grateful for in life and why
3. Stay hydrated, eat healthy food and boost your immune system
4. Get active. Even if you’re stuck indoors, move and stretch
5. Contact a neighbour or friend and offer to help them Covid securely
Tuesday - Kindness Thought for the day – Random Acts of Kindness

Daily Mindfulness – 5 a day wellbeing challenge
1. Share what you are feeling and be willing to ask for help
2. Take five minutes to sit still and breathe. Repeat regularly
3. Call a loved one to catch up and really listen to them
4. Get good sleep. No screens before bed or when waking up
5. Notice five things that are beautiful in the world around you
Wednesday - Kindness Thought for the day – Random Acts of Kindness

Daily Mindfulness - 5 a day wellbeing challenge
1. Immerse yourself in a new book, TV show or podcast
2. Play a game that you enjoyed when you were younger
3. Make some progress on a project that matters to you
4. Rediscover your favourite music that really lifts your spirits
5. Learn something new or do something creative
Thursday - Kindness Thought for the day – Random Acts of Kindness

Daily Mindfulness - 5 a day wellbeing challenge
1. Find a fun way to do an extra 15 minutes of physical activity
2. Make time for self-care. Do something kind for yourself
3. Send a letter or message to someone you can’t be with
4. Find positive stories in the news and share these with others
5. Have a tech-free day. Stop scrolling and turn off the news
Friday - Kindness Thought for the day – Random Acts of Kindness

Daily Mindfulness - 5 a day wellbeing challenge
1. Put your worries into perspective and try to let them go
2. Look for the good in others and notice their strengths
3. Take a small step towards and important goal
4. Thank three people you’re grateful to and tell them why
5. Connect with nature. Breathe and notice life continuing
Continue with the daily challenges - down load the monthly action on Happiness Calendar or App for actions you can continue to take to help create a happier and kinder world. Action for Happiness Calendar
TEDtalks - The Web as random acts of kindness
Feeling like the world is becoming less friendly? Social theorist Jonathan Zittrain begs to differ. The Internet, he suggests, is made up of millions of disinterested acts of kindness, curiosity and trust. TEDtalks - the web as random acts of kindness.
LGBT+ History month talks
As part of LGBT+ History Month and Month of action, Football v Homophobia’s Youth Panel are hosting a series of events aimed at young people to raise awareness of LGBT+ issues, and keep people active during lockdown.
They include an education session for young people, ideal for learning more about LGBT+ identities and being an ally, hearing from young disabled footballers on their thoughts and experiences of football and LGBT+ identity in women’s football. Find out more and sign up to the events in this link. FvH Events | Football v Homophobia
Revised Sports Centre timetable
Although our facilities are currently closed due to COVID-19 outbreak we are still offering our students online sessions with our amazing sports centre experts. Due to the success of Nourish to Flourish week the sports centre will be revising the current timetable of activities for students. Make sure to keep an eye out on the website and your email for further details. B&FC SU Sports Centre link
Coming up - National Careers Week 2021
Your National Careers Week at B&FC kicks off on Monday 1 March and runs all week. There will be a range of employability relating activities available including employer guest speakers. To make you are ready for your next steps, you will be able to book on 1:1 career guidance or CV surgery and/or book onto a variety of group sessions.
More information will be coming out soon, watch this space!
We appreciate your feedback!