The whole world finds itself in an unprecedented time. Whilst everyone has been instructed to isolate themselves, it is in this time we have been blown away by the solidarity being shown up and down the country.
We are seeing NHS workers returning from retirement and local people volunteering to help during this pandemic. Online, people are coming together to keep fit, entertain each other and stay mentally wealthy in isolation.
It is in this pandemic that we can see communities coming together in the benefit of everyone. This is why today we are happy to launch the Students' Unions #ShowKindness campaign.
The #ShowKindness campaign will aim to celebrate the kindness that is being shown in our local community from students, staff, alumni and local Blackpool and Wyre businesses. We will be promoting peoples acts of kindness on our social media, and encouraging others to get involved.
It's important at a time like this that we continue to lift each other's spirits in what little way we can. So share your stories and #ShowKindness.