Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) on 27 January is the day to remember the millions of people murdered in the Holocaust, under Nazi Persecution
One Day is the theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2022.
‘You didn’t think about yesterday, and tomorrow may not
happen, it was only today that you had to cope with and
you got through it as best you could.' - Iby Knill, survivor of the Holocaust
One Day is just a snapshot in time and therefore cannot give the full picture, the context, the background that is needed, but it can help bring a piece of the full picture to life. The age or gender of the victim, or their geographical location ensured that no One Day during the genocide was typical. The same date would be experienced very differently by Jews hiding in France, Jews incarcerated in Auschwitz, Jews awaiting their fate in Hungary, for example. For those who suffered for days, weeks, months, years focussing on just One Day is a starting point, a way in for us to learn more about what happened during the Holocaust and the genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
The UK Ceremony for Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 will be streamed online on Thursday 27 January at 7pm
You can register to watch the event here
After the ceremony at 8pm, households across the UK will be lighting candles and safely putting them in their windows to remember those who were murdered for who they were.
If you are able to join us in lighting a candle you can post your images on social media with the hashtags
#LightTheDarkness #HolocaustMemorialDay